Toi Whānau health frequently asked questions

Pātai me ngā whakautu

FAQ for Toi Whānau Telehealth

Who can use Toi Whānau Telehealth Services?
  •  You must be located in New Zealand to use our telehealth services.
  • Under 16-year-olds will require a parent or guardian to book the appointment and their
    contact details will be requested.
What about the technical stuff?
  • You don’t need to download an App. Our service uses the Internet as it its platform.
  • You can use a PC, Mac, Phone or tablet to access our service.
  • Once you have made an appointment an email and text will be sent to you with a link to
    your consultation 30 minutes prior.
Can someone else attend my consultation?

 Yes they certainly can. Simply share the link you have been sent.

Is my Privacy and data secure?
  • We take your privacy and data security seriously.
  • We will ensure that your personal information is protected by reasonable security
    safeguards against loss; unauthorised access, use, modification, or disclosure; and other
Is telehealth a good option for consultation?
  • Telehealth consultations may have limitations compared to in-person care as a physical
    examination is not able to be had.
  • Consultations relating to accidents are particularly challenging as physical examination is
    generally required.
  • If You are experiencing any of the following call 111 for emergency assistance.

    – Severe bleeding
    – Chest Pain
    – Shortness of breath
    – Allergic reaction
    – Poisoning
    – Severe headache or pain
    – Considering self-harm

What are the Fees?

Payment is made by Credit/Debit Card at the time of booking based on the following current payment schedule.

• Under 14 years Free
• 14 years+ $19.50 per visit

Can I get a refund if I cancel my appointment?

Refunds are available if you cancel six hours or more prior to your scheduled appointment.

Does Toi Whānau health have a User Consent form?

āe, yes we do. Please have a read below.

Before utilising the Toi Whānau Telehealth Services all users must first indicate your acceptance of the below. By acknowledging acceptance of this form you consent to and confirm the following. If you are not the patient then you confirm that have legal authority to give these consents on behalf of the patient.

You acknowledge the risks of having a video consultation can be:

  • a video or audio (phone) consultation will not be exactly the same, and may not be as complete as a face-to- face service;
  • there may be technical problems that affect the consultation that are beyond the control of Toi Whānau and the National Hauora Coalition; and
  • this healthcare service uses systems that meet recommended standards to protect the patient privacy and security of the video visits. However, the service cannot guarantee total protection against hacking or tapping into the video visit by outsiders. This risk is small, but it does exist.

You have read and understand and agree to the Toi Whānau Telehealth Services Terms and Conditions. 

If the telehealth visit does not achieve everything that is needed, then you will be given a choice about what to do next. This could include a follow up face-to-face visit, or a second video visit.

You can change your mind and stop using the video consultation at any time, including in the middle of a video visit. This will not affect your right to ask for and receive healthcare.

If you require controlled drugs. Our doctors will not provide any controlled drugs even if they are “repeats” for ongoing conditions. Any controlled drug has to be provided only after an in-person consultation. Controlled drugs are usually strong painkillers or sedatives but include other medicines such as duromine and methylphenidate that requires a printed signed prescription. 

Consent to release patient information to ACC 

If the telehealth consultation relates to an accident or injury you consent to the following:

  1. You authorise Toi Whānau to lodge a patient’s claim with ACC.
  2. You declare that you have provided true and correct information and you will tell ACC if your situation changes.
  3. You authorise your records to be collected or disclosed to ACC to help determine cover for the claim, determine what you the patient will be entitled to, or for research purposes (such as injury prevention, or assessment, and rehabilitation)

Recordings of the Telehealth Consultation

You agree to have a video / audio (phone) consultation with a Healthcare Provider. By doing so you agree not to record or have another person record or take photographs of the teleconsultation without the written permission of the relevant Healthcare Provider.

If the Healthcare Provider and you both agree that taking a photograph of you during the consult is a necessary part of the consultation eg of a mole or rash, then you give permission for the Healthcare Provider to do this.

FAQ for Toi Whānau community clinics

Where and when are they?
Who can attend community clinics?

Everyone is welcome, we encourage you to attend with your whānau.

Is there a Fee?

Kāore. No, our clinics are free to all users.