Tā mātou ratonga/ our services

Me Pēhea mātou i awhi ai? | How can we help you?

Hauora torowhārahi waea


Telehealth opens up a world of possibilities, ensuring that our hapori and further communities have the tools they need to achieve better health.

Mātoro ki te rata arowhānui

Visit a GP
near you!

Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals is committed to providing you with compassionate hauora care. 

ā hapori 

community clinics

We appreciate the important role that community clinics play in addressing the unique healthcare needs of our hapori.

Toi Whānau Health
Doctors Surgery

Doctors surgery
in Onehunga

Toi Whānau Health extends its care to Onehunga with the opening of a doctors surgery, enhancing local health services.

Tā Mātou mahi

Hauora torowhārahi waea | Telehealth

Toi Whānau health are passionate about ensuring access to quality healthcare for all members of our hapori and further communities. We believe that telehealth is a crucial tool in achieving that goal. By offering telehealth services, we empower individuals to take control of their healthcare journey, regardless of their geographical location or circumstances.

Telehealth provides a range of benefits that improve access to healthcare and lead to better health outcomes for our hapori. By utilising telehealth services, individuals can connect with healthcare providers more easily, without the need for lengthy travel or multiple in-person visits. This, in turn, leads to improved access to care, which paves the way for better health outcomes.

Furthermore, telehealth offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility. With virtual consultations, individuals can easily access healthcare services from the comfort of their own homes, without disrupting their daily routines. Telehealth also provides significant cost savings compared to in-person healthcare visits, helping to remove financial barriers to care.

Most importantly, telehealth plays a vital role in minimizing the risk of exposure to contagious diseases, particularly during times of outbreaks or pandemics. By utilising telehealth services, individuals can prioritise their health while ensuring their safety and the safety of their loved ones.

We are committed to revolutionising the way we deliver healthcare services to our hapori and further communities. Telehealth is a Taiaha that provides improved access, convenience, cost savings, and reduced exposure to contagious diseases. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, and telehealth is helping us achieve that mission.

Please feel free to reach out to us for more information on how telehealth can benefit you and our hapori. We are here to support you on your healthcare journey with compassion and care.

Tā Mātou mahi

Hauora ā hapori | Community Clinics and GPs

Ko ngā ratonga ā-takiwā i whakatūria mō te Māori me ngā hapori, ka āta aromatawai i ngā here e haukoti ana te hunga rapu oranga. Ko te whāinga, ko te wetewete i ngā here nei, pērā i te korenga o ngā waka kawe, ā, me te rangitāmiro i ngā taura i waenga i ngā apataki me ngā ratonga hauora, kia torokaha. I te mea ka noho mātāmua ngā tikanga o te manaaki me te kotahitanga, ko te mahi a ēnei ratonga haumanu, he wete mārika i ngā here kia māmā ake ai te hono ki te hauora.

Community clinics for Māori and our communities focus on addressing the barriers that may be faced in accessing health services. The clinics aim to mitigate practical barriers, such as transportation issues or language barriers, and foster better communication between healthcare providers and patients. By prioritising cultural safety and inclusivity, these clinics help to bridge the gap in healthcare.